A. Visiting Fellow Program
- 6 to 12 scholars to IR, Law and Archaeology Departments, supported by Open Society Foundations (for 2 weeks)
- One professor to Geology Department supported by AUN-SEED/Net (for one month)
- Visiting Professor from Cologne University, Germany to Geography Department, supported by DAAD (for one and a half year)
Visiting Professor Program under the sponsorship of Open Society Foundations for upgrading teaching skills for IR staffs (Professor Wolfram Schaffar, Institute of Development Studies, University of Vienna at Department of IR)
B. Long-Term Collaboration Program
- University of Yangon is member of ASEAN Universities Network (AUN)
- AUN-QA Training and implementation
- AUN/SEED-Net Scholarship
- Collaboration between University of Yangon and Johns Hopkins University, US & Chung Ang University, Korea (Supported by KOICA)
- One year training on "International Relations and Development"
- Collaboration between Anthropology Department, University of Yangon & Hanyang University, Korea (Supported by KOICA).
- Local capacity development project for inclusive development in Myanma (for one – two years )
- Establishment of Korea – Myanmar Local Knowledge Center
- Collaboration between Law Department, University of Yangon & Nagoya University, Japan.
- Establishment of Japan Myanmar Legal Research Center
C. MoU with UY
- Thepsatri Rajabhat University, Thailand (9-4-2013)
- Hankuk University, Korea (3-5-2013)
- Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies (KFAS) (12-6-2013)
- Nagoya University, Japan
- Australia National University
Joint Seminar with Korea on “ Myanmar-ROK Perspective on Rise of China”
D. to establish e-Library by the support of OSF
- i) Phase I
- The 1st step will be providing a starting package for 3 yrs
- To commence mid June, 2013 for all Myanmar Universities
- ii) Phase II
- Establishment of e-library by the support of OSF
- Based on the report of expert team of Cornell University