Campus Facilities (6)
Universities’ Research Centre, commonly known as URC, is a multidisciplinary research laboratory established in 1985 to assist and foster research activities in Universities, colleges and institutes of higher education as well as to provide research assistance/services to private enterprises and government organizations seeking modern technology.
Background History
The foundation stone of University of Yangon Library was laid by the University Chancellor and Governor Sir Harcourt Butler in 1927. Architect T. O. Foster specially designed the first modern library building in Myanmar. The two-story building is in the shape of English letter, "L". It is proportionately built to match with four levels of the main stack room with perforated floors and iron racks. To have better ventilation, the main stack room is fixed with vertical windows.
Association of Fine Arts and Performing Arts was established since 1951 in the University of Yangon.
Senior staff of the University are provided with accommodations on the campus as necessary and single academic staff can also apply for accommodations in hostels. The Recreation Centre Constructed in 1962 it is a spacious and modern building situated at the centre of the Campus. Facilities for such sportsas volleyball, badminton, basketball and cane ball are available. There are also separate rooms for administrative sectionsand communications andpostal servicesin the building.
The main sporting arena iswhere all major indoor sportingevents are held and can house 2000 spectators. For the comprehensive development of the students, bothintellectually and physically,there are also such associationsas the Yangon University FineArts Association, Hiking andMountaineering Association,Traditional Martial Arts Club etc.The Fine Arts Associations alsohave their own auditoriums forrehearsals and dramatic performances.