
Fundraising (4)

Sunday, 02 June 2013 02:47

Goal and strategies


The goal is to transform the University of Yangon as the one of the excellent academic institution, where people can learn world class education. The goal will bring beneficial for the future generation and national interest of the state. It is a long and delicate process. During the process, financial, technical and human resources will be essential to realize the goal. The resources can be realized through voluntary contribution, international cooperation and donation. The most important source is its greatest asset-  alumni .It is believed that old graduates of the University of Yangon are willing to see the golden image of their university again  and want to be proud of its bright future. It is true that they are the most powerful resource of necessary contribution for renovating and upgrading   University of Yangon.

YU seal

University of Yangon

in joint collaboration with the
University of Cologne, Germany
cologne seal

University of Yangon Centre of Excellence(UYCoE):
“Towards a Developed Myanmar”

The University of Yangon (UY) is the oldest and most prestigious university within Myanmar and has in the past been recognized all over Southeast Asia for its high standards of graduate education and international reputation of academic accomplishment.


The visionof establishinga Centre of Excellenceat the University of Yangon is

  • to further enhance the academic atmosphere and culture in the universities of Myanmar
  • to create, preserve, applyand disseminatescientific knowledge,
  • to encourage and support high level research with the aim of supporting Myanmar’s further development, and
  • to provide a high level of education, training and capacity enhancement.

Mission and key ideas

The University of Yangon shall regain its reputation as a leading research institution of Myanmar. It will develop into a strong, innovative and modern research university. Moreover, it will offer a broad spectrum of modern teaching qualifications with research-oriented teaching and capacity enhancement on all levels.

Inter-institutional as well as interdisciplinary collaboration within the University of Yangon and with further research partners in Myanmar shall be established, such as with Ministries, other universities, research units and think tanks. Collaboration with international research partners in the ASEAN and beyond shall be further extended.

Knowledge, expertise and qualification shall be made available and useful for all universities in whole Myanmar as well as for Myanmar’s Ministries and the civil society.

Theme of the Centre of Excellence

The major theme of the Centre of Excellence is: “Towards a Developed Myanmar”. It was chosen in order to underline the university’s commitment to strongly contribute scientifically to the further development of the country. All academic disciplines will be able to join in research on Myanmar. Subthemes and key profile areas will be defined jointly together with all Heads of Department of the University of Yangon as well as with scholars from other universities. Probable key profile areas can be for example environmental changes or cultural, economic and social developments or rural and urban processes.

Steering Board, Members, PartnerInstitutions, CoECenter

The Steering Board of the Centre of Excellence shall consist of 6 members of the University of Yangon – The Rector ex officio, The Pro-Rector, 4 Heads of Departments (elected, 2 each from Science and Arts) – as well as 5 further members – one representative from the Ministry of Education, 2 Rectors each from Universities of Lower and Upper Myanmar (elected). The Board will convene at least every six months if not requested earlier.

A faculty of qualified, active scholars shall be established. It will invite or nominate researchers from all universities of Myanmar to be members of the Centre of Excellence. These members will be nominated or – based on an application system – selected by the Board for two years (extendable after an assessment process). Nomination and selection criteria will relay to their proven research qualifications (e.g. research projects, number and kind of publications) as well as their teaching qualifications, based on an evaluation of their teaching skills and experience. All CoEmembers should hold a PhD. Members can also be chosen from partner institutions, such as the Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, universities, research institutions in Ministries and administration.

The members will be offered a comprehensive programme of lecture series, seminars and workshops, including courses on advanced academic, leadership and management skills, English language, mentoring and gender programmes.

A CoE Center with experienced academicians has been established. They are supporting the further process of the Centre of Excellence with the following tasks:

  • Strategic steering: Strategic aims, structuring, time tables, task lists, communication, aims and goals of meetings and CoE activities as well as members’ recruitment.
  • Documentation, information, dissemination: Collection of documents on UY’s history and development, UY scholars (CVs, research, projects, publications, international experience); information dissemination about the CoE and its activities, websites, presentations, printing products (books, periodicals, journals, leaflets).
  • Lectures, seminars, workshops, forums, meetings: Organisation and preparation of all these activities. Interviews, talks and meetings with renowned scholars, academicians and professionals.
  • Capacity enhancement of research, teaching and academic management: Strengthening the research and teaching potentials of UY and CoE academicians, introduction of modern research, teaching and management principles for established and young scholars.

Facilities and equipment on UY campus

The UY has established 4 rooms –a lecture, a seminar, a working and a meeting room – in which several facilities will be offered (e.g. internet, data-projector, publications, e-publications, computer, scanner, printer, kitchen, lockers).

CoE activities

The CoE center develops a programme of activities and certificates of attendance. Quality assurance procedures will also be established.

Research forum: Several lectures, seminars, workshops and meetings have already been conducted since December 2012. They comprised international lectures on Southeast Asia and Europa, on modern research methodology and on research publications.

Teaching forum: Activities at several Myanmar universities have started already, such as seminars on scientific writing and reading, modern teaching methods and learning styles.

Forum for academic management: Several courses have been conducted on topics like scientific code of conduct, academic self-regulation and leadership.

Publications: The existing publications of UY, including the University of Yangon Research Journal (UYRJ; annual) and the University of Yangon Magazine (UYM; annual), will be further enhanced.A book series of Myanmar Universities Press is envisaged.

Further activities will be conceptualized soon.

The Centre of Excellence was conceptualized by the UY Rector Prof. Dr. Tin Tun, UY Pro-Rector Prof. Dr. AungKyaw and Prof. Dr. Frauke Kraas (University of Cologne, Germany, and UY). It started its work on 01 November 2012. The CoE Centerwas established on 17December 2012; its members are: Dr. Bay Dar, Dr. Hla Yin Nu, Dr. Khin Khin Soe, Dr. Zaw Soe Min, Dr. Zin New Myint. The text has been fine tuned together with all Heads of Departments of UY in an exchange meeting.

Yangon, 25.2.2013

Saturday, 01 June 2013 05:21



In order to carry out the decisions of the meetings, some committee members visited

  1. Indian Embassy on 26 December 2012,
  2. the British Embassy on 31 December 2012 and
  3. Thai Embassy on 2 January 2013 and
  4. Australia embassy on 25 January 2013 respectively.
  5. During the visit, both sides discuss study tour plan.

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At the first Pyithu Hulttaw fifth regular meeting, the proposal to renovate and upgrade the University of Yangon was submitted by Daw Aung San Su Kyi on 9 November 2013 and the Pyithu Hluttaw approved the proposal. After the approval, the Committee on Renovation and Upgrading the University of Yangon was established in December 2012. The Committee is composed of 17 members and chaired by Daw Aung San Su Kyi. Under the leadership of the Committee, major renovation and structural development will be implemented without damaging the original design and campus. The grand structure and unique campus have been the symbol of image and tradition of the University of Yangon. The major renovation will bring its great image while the original design and campus will be intact. At the same time, the upgrading of education of University of Yangon will be carried out . The educational standard of the University of Yangon will be promoted to be international standard and its educational quality will be outstanding again to bring its prestige of the past.


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