The doctoral programme was instituted in 1998 and currently there are 6 Ph.D holders and more than 40 candidates doing researches for their dissertations on Philosophy of Culture.
The modules for the students aspiring for a Master degree are:
- Formal logic
- Ontology
- Epistemology
- Ethics
- Informal logic
- Social philosophy
- Existentialism
- Asthetics
- Philosophy of science
- Philisophy of historical studies
- Philosophy of culture
- Myanmar philosophy
- Special topics in Japanese, Chinese, Indian and Western Philosophy
- A Study of Philosophical texts
The Department has nine fulltime teaching staff and two retired Professors are acting as Professors Emeritus. The academic staffs are required to do both teaching and research as part of their academic responsibilities. The Department holds monthly paper reading sessions and present papers on Philosophy at the annual University Paper Reading Sessions. The Department takes keen and active research interest in both Myanmar culture and thinking and in other Eastern and Western philosophical thoughts and developments. The Department maintains an in-house library for both the staff and researchers.