With over 100 academic staffs, many with high and accomplished academic and professional qualifications in their respective fields of expertise, the Physics Department offers Master of Science (Physics/ Engineering Physics), Master of Research and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in many related fields. The doctoral programme was instated in 1994 and to date the Department has been produced on the average some ten PhDs per academic year.
Most notably the Physics Department has also produced PhD degree holders in Information Technology. The Department of Physics is one of the most successful departments of Yangon University with high student's interest in the courses it offers under the HRD programme leading to the 4-year Bachelor of Science (Engineering) degrees in IT and Electronics. Under this programme the Physics Department offers Diploma in Electronics, Diploma in Information Techno-logy, Bachelor of Science in Engineering (IT)an~ Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Electronics). A two-yea r post-graduate Diploma in Applied Physics and Master of Science in Engineering Physics, Master of Science in Physics are also offered. The Physics Department also has fully equipped modern laboratories, both for research and post-graduate teaching purposes.